The 5th IFSCMMD Agenda

The 5thInternational Forum for Surveillance and Control of

Mosquitoes and Mosquito-borne Diseases (IFSCMMD)

in Conjunction with 3rd Meeting of the ASVEMC and 11th Conference of Medical Entomology of the Entomological Society of China

Nanjing, China, May 22-26, 2017


Meeting Theme:  Promotion of New Technology for Control of Mosquito-borne Diseases



Dr. Rui-De Xue, Conference President

Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao, Program Chair

Dr. Chun-Xiao Li, Secretary General

Dr. Uli Bernier, Vice President of the SOVE

Dr. Qi-Yong Liu, President of the ASVEMC


Conference Council:
Ken Linthicum (USA) Wu-Chun Cao (China)  Chun-Jie Wang (China)
Abdul Althbyani (Saudi Arabia) Err-Lieh Hsu (Taipei)       Sekou F. Traore (Mali)
Reddy Nick (India) Gunter Muller (Israel)  Daniel Strickman (USA)
Theeraphap Charconviryyaphap (Thailand) Graham White (UK)
Hoonbok Yi (Korea) Major Dhillon (USA) Randy Gaugler(USA) 
Abu Hassan Ahmad (Malaysia) Paul Reiter (France) Wen-Tao Li (China)
Ildefonso Fernandez-Salas (Mexico) Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit (Germany)  
Program Committee:    
Tong-Yan Zhao (China), Chair Ren-jie Hu (USA)  Jerry Hogestte (USA)
Yong-Xing Jiang (USA) James Clauson (USA)  Xiao-Guang Chen (China)
Jing-Xia Cheng (China)  Xian-Guo Guo (China) Zhi-Kuan Jiang (China)
Pei-En Leng (China) Yi Wang (USA) Li-Feng Lin (China)
Liang Lu (China)   Jia-Hong Wu (China) Feng-Lin Song (China)
Uli. Bernier (USA)  Shan-Qing Wang (China) Xiao-Peng Zeng (China)
Xiao-Long Zhang (China) Tianyun Su (USA)  Xing-Ping Hu (USA) 
Ming-Hao Zhou (China) Chang-Liang Zhu (China) Herbert Nyberg (USA)
Ary Faraji (USA) Isik Unlu (USA)  
Local Arrangement Committee:
Yan-De Dong(Co-chair) Ming-Yu Wu (Secretary)  Zhi-Kuan Jiang
Ming-Hao Zhou (Chair) Hong-Liang Chu Bo-Lin Cai  
Chun-Hua Shen    



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Zhongshan Hotel


Meeting room: JinLing Chamber,3rd floor of the Center Buiding


Breakfast:  YangZi Chamber, 1st floor of the Center Buiding;  Time: 6:40-8:30


Lunch and Dinner: YangZi Chamber, 1st floor of the Center Buiding

Times: 1200-13301800-2000



May 22, 2017 (Monday)     2017522日,星期一
1:00 p.m.  Registration注册
4:00 p.m. IFSCMMD committee meetingRoom 203, 2nd floor


5:00 p.m. The Asia Society of Vector Ecology & Mosquito Control (ASVEMC): Committee/Board meetingsRoom 203, 2nd floor


May 23, 2017 (Tuesday)     2017523日,星期二
7:30 a.m. Registration注册
8:00a.m. The 3rdMeeting of the ASVEMC by Dr. Rui-De Xue, Executive Director of the ASVEMC


Awards presented by Dr. Qi-Yong Liu, President of the ASVEMC

The ASVEMC’s new officer installation by Dr. Uli Bernier,Vice President of the Society For Vector Ecology (SOVE)

Uli Bernier  美国媒介生态学学会副理事长,刘起勇亚洲媒介生态学与蚊虫防治学会理事长:颁奖和亚洲媒介生态与蚊虫防治学会新任命

Opening Speechfor the 5th IFSCMMD

Moderators: Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao (China) and Dr. Rui-De Xue (USA)


主持人:赵彤言(中国)& 薛瑞德(美国)

8:20a.m. Conference Presidential Address: Dr. Rui-De Xue, Director, Anastasia Mosquito Control District, St. Augustine, Florida, USA. What is next for outbreak of potential mosquito-borne diseases?


8:30 a.m. Welcome欢迎致辞:

Dr. Xiao-Yue Hong, Vice president, Entomological Society of China    洪晓月 中国昆虫学会副理事长

Dr. Wu-Chun Cao, Director, State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity,Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China


Hua Wang, President of Jiangsu Preventive Medicine Association, Associate Director of Jiangsu Provincial Commission of Health and Family Planning

汪华江苏省预防医学会会长, 江苏省卫生和计生委员会副主任

8:40 a.m. Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Daniel Strickman, Senior Officer of the Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA. Highlights of innovations of techniques and methods for control of vector mosquitoes

主题报告:Daniel Strickman 盖茨基金会高级主任:媒介蚊虫防治技术和策略革新的重要性

9:20 a.m. Invited speaker: Dr. Wu-Chun Cao. Director & Professor. State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity,Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China. Status of tick-borne diseases in China

特约报告:曹务春  北京微生物流行病研究所所长、病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室主任:中国蜱媒病的现状

9:40 a.m. Break. Take picture in outside building


Moderators: Dr. Daniel Strickman(USA) & Dr. Qi-Yong Liu (China)

主持人:Daniel Strickman(美国)& 刘起勇(中国)

10:00 a.m.


Dr. Err-Lieh Hsu, Professor Emeritus, National University of Taiwan, Taipei, Dr. Hsiu-Hua Pai, Professor & Vice President of Kaohsiung University,  Kaohsiung. The current statue and the factors responsible for dengue resurgence in Taiwan.

徐尔烈  台湾大学荣誉教授;白秀华高雄大学教授、副校长:台湾登革热复发的原因以及目前的发展状况

10:20 a.m. Dr. Gunter C. Muller, Visiting Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Attractive toxic sugar bait new developments from basic research to products

Gunter C. Muller 耶路撒冷希伯来大学客座教授:诱导性有毒糖诱饵的新发展:从基础研究到产品化

10:40a.m. Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao, Director, Dept. of Vector Biology and Control, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China, Overview of innovations and novel technology/tools for control of vectors in China


11:10 a.m. Dr. Randy Gaugler, Distinguish Professor, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. Heterodissemination: Exploiting Chironomids for precision targeting of container mosquitoes

Randy Gaugler罗格斯大学杰出教授:异源传播利用摇蚊(Chironomids精准定位容器型蚊虫

11:30 a.m. Dr. Uli Bernier, Research Chemist, USDA/ARS/CMAVE, Gainesville, FL, USA. Development of new repellents and insecticides

Uli Bernier美国农业部研究员:新型驱虫剂和杀虫剂的研制

11:50a.m. Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical, LTD. Product overview
12:00 noon-1:10 p.m. Lunch Break午餐休息
Session 1: Pathogens &Disease Surveillance

Moderators: Dr. Dan Kline(USA) and Dr. Chun-Xiao Li (China)


主持人:Dan Kline(美国)& 李春晓(中国)

1:10p.m. Dr. Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, WHO Collaborating Centre for Arboviruses, Hamburg, Germany. The German arbovirus surveillance and mosquito monitoring program, 2015-2016

Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit Bernhard Nocht热带医学研究中心,WHO虫媒病毒协作中心:德国虫媒病毒和蚊虫监测项目(2015-2016

1:30p.m. Dr.  Ren-Jie Hu, Supervising Public Health Biologist, Department of Health, California, Disease vector surveillance update  in Southern California

Ren-Jie Hu 美国加利福尼亚州卫生部门公共卫生生物学家:南加州疾病媒介监测的最新动态

1:50 p.m. Dr. Hong-Liang Chu, Director, Institute of Vector-borne Diseases and Disinfection, Jiangsu CDC. Japanese encephalitis type B infections in Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles in Jiangsu


2:10 p.m. Dr. Xiao-Xia Guo, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus,  potential vectors of ZIKA virus in China

郭晓霞  北京微生物流行病研究所副研究员:中国白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊作为寨卡病毒潜在媒介的研究

2:30 p.m. Dr. Fan Yang, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA. Effects of La Crosse virus infection on Aedes triseriatus host-seeking behavior and neurotransmitter levels


2:50 p.m. Dr. Jun Sun, Director & Professor, Presented by Dr. Liu Hong, Jiangsu Province Blood Center, Nanjing, China. Cases report of transfusion transmission malaria in Jiangsu

孙俊 江苏省血液中心主任:江苏省输血传播疟疾病例的报告

3:10 p.m. Break.休息
Session 2: Genetics &Biology

Moderators: Dr. Tianyun Su (USA)



3:30 p.m. Dr. Cheng Gong, Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Non-structure protein I: A key for flavivirus transfer from host to vector

程功   清华大学教授:NSⅠ:媒介生物从宿主感染黄病毒的关键

3:50 p.m. Dr. Peter Jiang, Director, Gainesville, Mosquito Control Division, Gainesville, FL and Dr. Dan Kline, USDA, Gainesville, FL. Seasonal oviposition activity and overwintering survival of Aedes oalbopictus  in North Florida

Peter Jiang 美国佛罗里达盖恩斯维尔蚊虫控制区主任& Dan Kline 美国农业部:佛罗里达州北部白纹伊蚊的季节性产卵活动以及越冬存活行为

4:10 p.m. Dr.Tianyun Su, Ecologist, West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, CA, USA. Biorational pesticides and resistance management: Then, now, and future

苏天运  美国加利福尼亚州西谷蚊媒控制区生态学家:过去、现在和未来的无公害杀虫剂和抗性治理发展

4:30 p.m. Postponed to Wed
4:50 p.m. Dr. Gang Wang, Zhejiang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. Population genetic diversity of Anopheles sinensis in China based on multiple genes

王刚  江出入境检验检疫局副研究员:基于多重基因比对的中国境内中华按蚊种群遗传多样性研究

5:10 p.m. Wen-Jun Hou, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology. Analysis of gene sequence variation of Japanese Encephalitisvirus under host selection pressure


5:30 p.m. Qing-Ming Shi, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology. The genetic diversity and population structure of domestic Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Yunnan Province, Southwestern China


5:50 p.m. Nantong Gongcheng Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. New products overview


6:00 p.m. Guang-Quan Zhang, Manager, Shenzhen Longray Technology Co., Ltd.The exploration of surveillance& control for mosquito equipment from Longray

张光全深圳市隆瑞科技有限公司经理  隆瑞牌蚊虫监测与控制器械产品体系探讨

6:10 p.m. Dinner晚餐
May 24 (Wednesday)    524日,星期三
7:30 a.m. Registration   注册
Session 3: Surveillance & Control

Moderators: Dr. Uli Bernier (USA) &Dr. Err-Lieh Hsu (Taipei)


主持人:Uli Bernier(美国)&  徐尔烈

8:00 a.m. Dr. Qi-Yong Liu, Professor and Director, Department of Vector Biology and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control, CDC, Beijing, China. Sustainable vector management: The innovative strategy to advance the global response to vector-borne diseases


8:30 a.m. Dr. Hoonbok Yi, Professor, Seoul Women University, Autocounting& identifying traps for surveillance and control of mosquitoes

Hoonbok Yi 首尔女子大学教授:带自动计数和鉴定功能的监控型蚊虫捕捉装置

8:50 a.m. Dr. Xiao-Guang Chen, Dean & Professor, College of Public Health and Tropic Medicine, Southern Medical University. A specific RT-PCR system for DENV in vector mosquitoes and preliminary survey on the field caught Aedes albopictus

陈晓光   南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院院长:一种用以检测媒介蚊虫体内登革热病毒的特殊RT-PCR体系及其在野外捕获的白纹伊蚊中的初步应用

9:10 a.m. Dr. Jia-Hong Wu, Professor, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, China. The recombinant Aedes albopictus saliva 34K2 protein enhances Dengue virus replication in human keratinocyte Hacat cells by inhibiting antiviral reaction and modulating apoptosis and inflammatory responses

吴家红  贵州医科大学教授:白纹伊蚊唾液34K2蛋白重组体能通过抑制细胞抗病毒和炎症反应以及调节细胞凋亡来提高登革热病毒在人角质形成细胞中的增殖水平

9:30 a.m. Dr. Theeraphap Charconviryyaphap, Professor, presented by Watcharin Phoomkhong, Department of Entomology, Kasetsart University, Bankok, Thailand.  Discriminating lethal concentrations and efficacy of five pyrethroids for control of Anopheles epiroticus in Thailand

Theeraphap Charconviryyaphap泰国农业大学教, Watcharin Phoomkhong: 用于控制泰国国内Anopheles epiroticus种群数量的五种拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂致死浓度和效能的测定

9:50 a.m. Dr. Dan Kline, Research Entomologist, USDA/ARS/CMAVE, Gainesville, FL. Is the H-trap a reliable surveillance tool for mosquitoes and biting midges?

Dan Kline美国农业部昆虫学家:H-trap能否用作监控蚊虫和吸血蠓的可靠工具

10:10 a.m. Break休息
Session 4: Biology & Control of Aedes mosquitoes

Moderators: Dr. Abu Ahmad (Malaysia)


主持人:Abu Ahmad(马来西亚)

10:30 a.m. Dr. Heng-Duan Zhang, Assistant researcher. Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology. Urban scale genetic structure of Aedes albopictus populations in Nanjing, China

张恒端  京微生物流行病研究所博士:南京市白纹伊蚊在城镇层面上的种群遗传结构分析

10:50 a.m. Dr. Yi Wang, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. Field efficacy of autodissemination station against Aedes albopictus in 2016

Yi Wang 格斯大学博士:用以控制白纹伊蚊的自动喷药装置的现场灭效(2016

11:10 a.m.  Dr. Edita E. Revay, Professor, Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel.  Control of Aedes mosquitoes by attractive toxic sugar baits

Edita E. Revay 色列理工学院教授:利用诱导性有毒糖诱饵控制伊蚊

11:40 a.m.  Dr. Chun-Hong Chen. NHRI, Taipei. Dengue control in Taipei


12:00 noon.  Lunch Break午餐休息
Session 5: Medical and Veterinary Entomology.

Moderators: Dr. Jerry Hogsette (USA)& Dr. Xing-Ping Hu (USA)


主持人:Jerry Hogsette(美国)& 胡兴平(美国)

1:00 p.m. Dr. Alongkot Ponlawat, Chief, Vector Biology and Control section, Department of Entomology, USAMC-AFRIMS Bangkok, Thailand. Current medical entomology research at AFRIMS, Thailand

Alongkot Ponlawat 国陆军医学部医学研究所主任:驻泰国美国陆军医学部医学研究所对医学昆虫的研究现状

1:20 p.m. Mr. Herbert Nyberg, CEO, New Mountain Innovations, Inc. Niantic, CT, USA. Updated on the acoustic techniques for mosquito larval control

Herbert Nyberg  New Mountain Innovations总裁:用于防治蚊虫幼虫的声学技术的革新

1:40 p.m. Dr. Jerry Hogsette, Research Entomologist, USDA/CMAVE, Gainesville. Trap placement in animal exhibits at zoos increase the stable fly catch

Jerry Hogsette 美国农业部昆虫学家:昆虫捕捉装置的布置提高了动物展览馆中厩螯蝇的捕获量

2:00 p.m. Dr. Xing Ping Hu, Professor, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Transmission of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in horses by house flies


2:20 p.m. Dr. Shen Bo, Professor, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China. The role of target-site resistance and metabolic resistant Culex pipiens pallens

沈波  京医科大学教授:淡色库蚊靶位点抗性和代谢抗性的作用

2:40 p.m. Dr. Rui-De Xue, Director, Anastasia Mosquito Control District, St. Augustine, FL. Population outbreak and control efforts after hurricane Matthew in St. Johns County, FL

薛瑞德   美国佛罗里达州圣奥古斯丁市阿纳斯塔西娅蚊控区主任:飓风马修在佛罗里达州圣约翰县引起的蚊虫种群暴发和后续的控制效果

3:00 p.m.  Break休息
Session 6: Behavior & Ecology

Moderators: Dr. Ren-Jie Hu (USA) & Dr. Xiao-Xia Guo (China)


主持人:Ren-Jie Hu(美国)& 郭晓霞(中国)

3:20 p.m. Dr. Theeraphap Charconviryyaphap, Presented by Amonrat Panthawong, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Excito-repellency of neem oils against three important mosquito species, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles minimus, and Aedes aegypti

Theeraphap Charconviryyaphap  泰国农业大学教授:楝树油对三种重要的蚊虫致倦库蚊、微小按蚊和埃及伊蚊的趋避性研究

3:40 p.m. Chutipong Sukkanon, Ph.D. student, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Susceptibility and avoidance behavior by Aedes aegypti (L.) and Anopheles minimums Theobald to transfluthrin, a volatile pyrethroid

Chutipong Sukkanon泰国农业大学博士:埃及伊蚊(L.)和微小按蚊对一种挥发性拟除虫菊酯的敏感性和趋避性研究

4:00 p.m.


Dr. Zhi-Ming Yuan, Professor, Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS, Wuhan. Metagenomic survey of viral avoidance and diversity in mosquitoes


4:20 p.m. Fatima Al-Hayat, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, Qatar University. Mosquito larval habitats characterizations

Fatima Al-Khayat 塔尔大学生物与环境科学系:蚊类幼虫栖息地特征

4:40 p.m. Dr. Yong Zhang. Assist Director, Institute of Vector-borne Disease and Disinfection, Beijing CDC. Impact of development on mosquito population in St. Johns County, Florida (cancelled)


5:00 p.m. Mr. Dong-Shen Ren, National Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control, China CDC, Beijing. A method application about adult Aedes mosquito density monitoring at the dengue fever outbreak


5:20 p.m. Jian Qian, Vice managing director,  Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co. LtdYouth Public health insecticide for adult mosquito control (cancelled)


5:30 p.m. Anhui Kangyu Biology Science –Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.New products overview


5:40 p.m. Dinner晚餐
May 25 (Thursday). 2017525日,星期四

7:30 a.m. Registration注册

Session 7: Control of vector mosquitoes

Moderators: Mr. James Clauson (USA) & Dr. Gunter Muller (Israel)


主持人:James Clauson(美国)& Gunter Muller(以色列)

8:00 a.m. Ary Faraji, Director, Salt Lake City Mosquito Control District, Salt Lake City, Aerial application for control of vector mosquitoes

Ary Faraji 美国盐湖城蚊虫防控区主任:飞机喷雾在媒介蚊虫防治中的应用

8:20 a.m. Dr. Xiao-Ying Zheng. Professor, Sun Yet-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. Developing community engagement strategies of Wolbachia-based mosquito control approach

郑小英   中山大学教授:基于沃尔巴克氏体防治蚊虫的社区化实施策略的制定

8:40 a.m. Dr. Yu-Hong Guo. Associate Professor, Department of Vector Biology and Control, China CDC, National Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control, Changping, Beijing. Governmental supervision and rapid detection on dengue vectors: an important role for dengue control in China

郭玉红  中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所副教授:政府监督和快速检测登革热传染媒介在中国登革热防治工作中的重要作用

9:00 a.m.  Dr. Yoshinori Shono et al. Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Similar® 2MR for larval control of Aedesaegyptus using a new long lasting matrix-release formulation containing pyriproxyfen

Yoshinori Shono Sumitomo化学品有限公司:使用含有吡丙醚的新型持久性基质释放制剂SumiLarv®2MR对埃及伊蚊幼虫进行防控

9:20 a.m. Dr. Fei Wang, Hongkou CDC, Shanghai. Control of male mosquitoes by ATSB and its impact on female fecundity and fertility in Aedes albopictus


9:40 a.m. Mr. James Clauson, Director, Beach Mosquito Control District, Panama, Florida, USA. Beach mosquito control response for suspected Zika cases in Florida

James Clauson 佛罗里达州巴拿马海滩蚊虫控制区主任:对佛罗里达州疑似寨卡病例的海滩蚊虫防治响应

10:00 a.m. Break休息
Session 8: Insecticides and Resistance

             Moderators: Mr. Herbert Nyberg (USA) & Dr. Feng-Xia Meng (China)


主持人:Herbert Nyberg(美国)& 孟凤霞(中国)

10:20 a.m. Dr. Feng-Xia Meng, Professor, Department of Vector Biology and Control, China CDC, National Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control, Changing, Beijing.Update about insecticide resistance in Aedes vectors in China

孟凤霞 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所教授:中国伊蚊抗药性的最新研究进展

10:40 a.m. Dr. Ya-Jun Ma, Professor, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China. First identification of kdr allele F1534S in VGSC gene and its association with resistance to pyrethroid insecticide in Aedes albopictus populations from Haikou City, Hainan Island, China

马雅军 第二军医大学教授:首次在VGSC基因中发现kdr基因的等位基因F1534S,并探讨其与采自海口市白纹伊蚊种群的拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂抗性的相关性

11:00 a.m.  Dr. Abu Hassan Ahmad, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Saints Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia.  Insecticide resistance of malaria vector (Anopheles arabiensis) in  Sudan

Abu Hassan Ahmad马来西亚大学教授:疟疾媒介(阿根廷按蚊)在苏丹的抗药性研究

11:20 a.m. Dr. Wei-Long Tan. Associate Professor. CDC of Military, Nanjing District. Mutations associated with knockdown resistance (Kdr) on Aedes albopictus in Southeastern China

谭伟龙 南京疾控中心副教授:中国东南部白纹伊蚊击倒抗性的相关突变株研究

11:40 a.m. Dr. Matthew Topping, University College London, UK. Mosquito mechanotransduction and insecticidal compounds which target Chordotonal organs

Matthew Topping 英国伦敦大学学院:蚊虫伸张感受器的机械传导性研究以及杀虫化合物对其的影响

12:00 p.m. Dr. Zhen Zou. Professor, Institute of Zoology, CAS, Beijing. Mosquito immune response against fungal infection

邹振  中国科学院动物研究所教授:蚊虫对真菌感染的免疫反应

12:20 p.m. Lunch Break午餐休息
Session9: Physiology and Ecology

Moderators: Dr. Ary Faraji (USA) & Dr. Yi Wang (USA)


主持人: Ary Faraji (美国) & Yi Wang (美国)

1:20 p.m. Dr. Ai-Hua Zheng, Professor, Institute of Zoology, CAS, Beijing, Fully synthesized reverse genetics system for mosquito-borne  flavivirus research

郑爱华  中国科学院动物研究所教授:用于蚊媒黄病毒研究的全面合成的反向遗传学系统

1:40 p.m. Dr. Xue-Li Zheng, Professor, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China. Identification of mosquito species from some Chinese regions and genetic analysis of Aedes albopictus populations based on CO I gene

郑学礼  南方医科大学教:中国某些地区的蚊虫分类和基于COI基因的白纹伊蚊种群的遗传分

2:00 p.m. Dr. Mao-Qing Gong. Professor, Shandong Institute of Control of Parasitic Disease, Shandong, China. Understanding the regulation mechanism of overwinter in Culex pipiens pallens female through iTRAQ-based comparative protenomics


2:20 p.m. Dr. Bin Chen. Professor & Dean of College of Life Science, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China. Comparison, characterization and evolution of 50 mosquitoes of mitochondrial genomes

陈斌  重庆师范大学生命科学学院院长:50种蚊虫线粒体基因组的比较、表征和进化

2:40 p.m. Dr. Chun-Xiao Li, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing. Study on the odorant receptors (ORs) in the southern house mosquitoes, Culex quinquefasciatus

李春晓   北京微生物流行病研究所副研究员:致倦库蚊的气味受体(ORs)研究

3:00 p.m. Break休息
Session 10: Associations, Programs, and Others

Moderators: Dr. Chun-Xiao Li (China)


3:20 p.m. Dr. Jian-Qiang Lan. Hainan University, Haikou, China. A sensitive indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbert assay to determine spinosad, a larvicide of mosquitoes.

兰坚强  海南大学博士:利用一种敏感的间接竞争性酶联免疫吸附测定法测定蚊虫幼虫的杀虫剂多杀菌素

3:40 p.m. Dr. Uli Bernier, Vice President of the Society of Vector Ecology, USDA/CMAVE, Gainesville, FL, USA.Update on Society for Vector Ecology and the 7th international congress of the SOVE

Uli Bernier 介生态学会副主席:媒介生态学会与SOVE第七届国际大会的最新动态

4:00 p.m. Dr. Ary Faraji. Regional Director of American Mosquito Control Association. Update about American Mosquito Control Association

Ary Faraji 美国蚊虫控制协会区域主任:关于美国蚊虫控制协会的最新动态

4:20 p.m. Dr. Hong-Liang Chu, Jiangsu CDC. Overview of Jiangsu vector mosquito surveillance and control program


4:40 p.m. Beijing Longhua Xinye Sanitary Insecticide Co., Ltd. Introduction of mosquito control products


5:10 p.m. Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao.Closing remarks


5:20 p.m.  Dinner晚餐


Conference contact person:

Tong-Yan Zhao 赵彤言: 13910844633        Yan-De Dong      董言德: 13611195599

Ming-Yu Wu     吴明宇: 13810640602        Xiao-Xia Guo      郭晓霞: 13520517505

Chun-Xiao Li    李春晓: 13681559005