The 3rd International Forum for Surveillance and Control of Mosquitoes and Mosquito-borne Diseases (IFSCMMD) Suzhou, China, May 27-31, 2013
Meeting Theme: Impacts of Globalization on Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Dr. Rui-De Xue, Conference President
Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao, Program Chair
Dr. Chun-Xiao Li, Secretary General
Dr. William Walton, President of the SOVE
Dr. Gunter C. Muller, Coordinator
Conference Council:
Ken Linthicum (USA) Wu-Chun Cao (China) Chun-Jie Wang (China)
Hua Wang (China) Bart Knols (Netherland) Err-Lieh Hsu (Taipei)
Romeo Bellini (Italy) Reddy Nick (India) Yosef Schlein (Israel)
Barry Tyler (Canada) Theeraphap Charconviryyaphap (Thailand)
Graham White (UK) Robert Novak (USA) Jeanne Moeller (USA)
Min-Lee Cheng (USA) Amoo, A. (Nigeria) Abu Hassan Ahmad (Malaysia) Paul Reiter (France) Wen-Tao Li (China) Ildefonso Fernandez-Salas (Mexico)
Program Committee:
Tong-Yan Zhao (China), Chair Herbert Nyberg (USA) Douglas Norris (USA)
Qi-Yong Liu (China) James Clauson (USA) Xiao-Guang Chen (China)
Jing-Xia Cheng (China) Xian-Guo Guo (China) Zhi-Kuan Jiang (China)
Pei-En Leng (China) Guo-Dong Liang (China) Li-Feng Lin (China)
Liang Lu (China) Jia-Hong Wu (China) Feng-Lin Song (China)
Ming-Hao Zhou (China) Shan-Qing Wang (China) Xiao-Peng Zeng (China)
Xiao-Long Zhang (China) Nan-Nan Liu (USA) T. Steven Su (USA)
Hong-Ning Zhou (China) Chang-Liang Zhu (China) Whitney Qualls (USA)
Dave Brown (USA) Ren-Jie Hu (USA) Chuan-Ming Ni (China)
Local Arrangement Committee:
Yan-De Dong | Chun-Xiao Li | Ming-Yu Wu (Secretary) |
Zhi-Kuan Jiang | Hong-Liang Chu | Yan Xu |
Bo-Lin Cai | Chun-Hua Shen |
主办单位/承办单位 Sponsor/Organizers:
The Entomological Society of China
Special Academic Committee of Medical Entomology of Entomological Society of China
Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control
Jiangsu Preventive Medicine Association
协办单位 Cooperation Partners:
Suzhou Center for Disease Prevention and Control
State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity
Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine
The Society for Vector Ecology
Asian Society of Vector Ecology and Mosquito Control
BASF China Co., Ltd.
先正达(中国)投资有限公司Syngenta China Investment Co., Ltd. 拜耳作物科学(中国)有限公司Bayer CropScience China Co., Ltd. 南通功成精细化工有限公司
Nantong Gongcheng Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Longrui Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Greenleaf Century Daily use Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Greenleaf Daily use Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Beijing Mingxing Biotechnology Company
Beijing Longhua Xinye Sanitary Insecticide Co., Ltd.
浙江特菱杀虫药业有限公司Zhejiang Tlei Pesticides Co., Ltd. 上海翰轩科技有限公司
Shanghai Hanxuan Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Ximeng Jiekang Environmental Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Ushi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
日 程
May 27, 2013 (Monday)
2013 年 5 月 27 日(星期一)
1:00 p.m. Registration
4:00 p.m. IFSCMMD committee meeting
IFSCMMD 全体委员会议
5:00 p.m. The Asia Society of Vector Ecology & Mosquito Control (ASVEMC): Committee/Board meeting
May 28, 2013 (Tuesday)
2013 年 5 月 28 日(星期二)
7:30 a.m. Registration
8:00 a.m. Ceremony and update of the ASVEMC creation by Dr. Rui-De Xue, Coordinator of the ASVEMC
亚洲媒介生态和蚊虫控制协会协调人薛瑞德博士主持 ASVEMC 创建仪式
The ASVEMC officer installation by Dr. William Walton, President of the Society Of Vector Ecology (SOVE)
媒介生态学学会主席 William Walton 博士主持亚洲媒介生态和蚊虫控制协会负责人
8:20 a.m. Conference Presidential Address: Dr. Rui-De Xue, Director, Anastasia Mosquito Control District, St. Augustine, Florida, USA. Impact of globalization on mosquito- borne diseases
大会主席致辞:薛瑞德 美国佛罗里达 Anastasia 蚊虫防治中心 全球化对蚊媒疾病的影响
8:30 a.m. Welcome: Representative, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China
Dr. Ming-Hao Zhou, Director, Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Nanjing, China
周明浩 江苏省疾病预防控制中心主任
Mr. Yue-Lin Zhang, Director, Suzhou Health Bureau
张月林 苏州市卫生局局长
8:40 a.m. Keynote speaker: Dr. Paul Reiter, Professor, Institute Pasteur, 25-28 rue du Dr. Roux, 75015 Paris, France. A mollusk of the leg of a beetle: human activities and the global dispersal of vectors and vector-borne pathogens
主题演讲:Paul Reiter 法国巴黎巴斯德研究所 人类活动与媒介和媒介传播病原体的全球扩散
9:20 a.m. Dr. Wei Liu, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China.
Update about infectious diseases
刘玮 北京微生物流行病研究所 传染病的新形势
9:40 a.m. Break. Take picture in outside building
Moderators: Dr. William Walton (USA) & Dr. Chun-Xiao Li (China)
主持人:William Walton (美国)和李春晓 (中国)
10:10 a.m. Dr. Guo-Dong Liang, Professor, Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC, Beijing, China. The Past, present, and future about Japanese Encephalitis in China
梁国栋 中国疾病预防控制中心 日本脑炎在中国的发生、发展及流行趋势
10:30 a.m. Dr. Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, WHO Collaborating Centre for Arboviruses, Hamburg, Germany. The German mobovirus surveillance and mosquito monitoring program, 2009-2012
Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit 德国汉堡 Bernhard Nocht 热带医学研究所,世卫组织虫媒病毒合作中心 2009~2012 年德国 Mobovirus 监控和蚊虫监测计划
10:50 a.m. Dr. William Walton, Professor, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA. Designing constructed wetlands to reduce mosquito production: Alternative emergent macrophytes
William Walton 美国加尼福尼亚大学昆虫系 大型湿地设计减少蚊虫孳生:替代性植物的选择
11:20 a.m. Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao, Professor & Director, Dept. of Vector Biology and Control, Beijing
Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China. The Past, present, and future about major mosquito-borne diseases in China
赵彤言 北京微生物流行病研究所 中国主要蚊媒疾病的过去、现在和将来
11:40 a.m. Mr. David Brown, Director, Sacramento-Yolo Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, Sacramento, California, USA. West Nile control and public relation in California, United States
David Brown 美国加利福尼亚州 Sacramento-Yolo 山谷蚊虫和媒介控制中心
12:00 Lunch Break
1:10 p.m. Dr. M.-L. Cheng, Manager, West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, Ontario, CA, USA. Rapid screening of sero-conversion against West Nile virus in sentinel chickens
M.-L. Cheng 美国安大略省西谷蚊虫及媒介控制局 在哨兵鸡中针对西尼罗河病毒血清转换的快速筛选
1:30 p.m. Dr. Xiao-Guang Chen, Professor & Dean, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China. The effect of Aedes albopictus miRNAs on vector biology and replication of dengue virus
陈晓光 南方医科大学 白纹伊蚊 miRNA 对登革热病毒的媒介生物学及复制的影响
1:50 p.m. Dr. Xiao-Xia Guo, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China. Transmission potential of a chimera Japanese encephalitis/dengue virus-2 in mosquito
郭晓霞 北京微生物流行病研究所 媒介蚊虫对乙脑/登革 2 型嵌合病毒的传播效能研究
2:05 p.m. Dr. Li-Feng Lin, Deputy Director, Guangdong CDC, China. Update about surveillance and control of vectors of Dengue in Guangdong
林立丰 广东省疾病预防控制中心 广东省登革热媒介监测和防治的新形势
2:20 p.m. Jian-Xin Su, Associate professor, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China. Identification of microRNAs expressed in the midgut of Aedes
albopictus infected with dengue virus
苏建新 北京微生物流行病研究所 感染登革病毒白纹伊蚊中肠中小分子 RNA 的鉴定
2:35 p.m. Break 茶 歇
2:50 p.m. Wasana Boonyuan, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsar University, Bangkok, Thailand. Mosquito investigation in two pig farms (Japanese encephalitis endemic or non endemic), Chonburi Province, Eastern Thailand
Wasana Boonyuan 泰国曼谷 Kasetsar 大学农业部昆虫系 泰国东部春武里省两个养猪场(日本流行性乙型脑炎流行或非流行地区)蚊虫调查研究
3:05 p.m. Dr. Yu-Juan Zhang, Associate Professor, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China, De novo transcriptome sequencing and sequence analysis of the malaria vector Anopheles sinensis (Diptera: Culicidae)
张玉娟 重庆师范大学 疟疾媒介中华按蚊(双翅目:蚊科)的转录测序及序列分析
3:20 p.m. Dr. Hoonbook Yi, Assistant Professor, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, The development of the very efficient mosquito traps, Mos-hole and DMS
Hoonbook Yi 首尔女子大学 高效捕蚊器 Mos-hole 和 DMS 的研究进展
3:35 p.m. Mr. Gang Wang, Beijing Institute of Microbiology & Epidemiology, China. An evaluation of the suitability of COI and COII gene variation for reconstructing the phylogeny of, and identifying cryptic species in, anopheline mosquitoes
王刚 北京微生物流行病研究所 COI 和 COII 基因变异对按蚊系统发育重建和隐藏种鉴定适用性的评价
3:50 p.m. Mr. Wei-Long Tan, Associate Professor, Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechnics, Nanjing, P. R. China. Knockdown Resistance (kdr) mutations and kdr allele genotyping assays on An.sinensis
谭伟龙 华东医药生物技术研究所 中华按蚊击倒抗性(kdr)基因突变和 kdr 等位
4:05 p.m. Dr. Chun-Xiao Li, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Identification of differential expressed genes in Culex pipiens populations by transcriptome resequencing
李春晓 北京微生物流行病研究所 应用转录组测序对尖音复合组蚊虫种群差异基因的筛选
4:20 p.m. Dr. Abdelrafie M. Makhawi, Department of Vector Biology and Control, State Key Laboratory for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control, NICDCP, China CDC, Beijing. Genetic differentiation of five mosquito species of Anopheles hyrcanus group collected in China
Abdelrafie M. Makhawi 中国疾病预防控制中心 媒介生物学及控制研究室 传染病预防和控制国家重点实验室 中国赫坎按蚊组五种蚊种的采集及遗传分化
4:35 p.m. Ting Yan, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology. The research of molecular mechanisms for the difference of blooding-feeding habits of Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus and Cx. pipiens molestus
阎婷 北京微生物流行病研究所 致倦库蚊和骚扰库蚊嗜血习性差异的分子机制研究
4:50 p.m. Shu-Ran Yang, National Institute of Communicable Infectious Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, Beijing, China. Cytocrhome oxydase I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA variation in the dengue vector Aedes albopictus across China: population structure and migration route
杨舒然 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所 中国各地登革热媒介白纹伊蚊线粒体 COI 基因的变异:种群结构及迁移路线
5:05 p.m. Dinner
May 29, 2013 (Wednesday)
2013 年 5 月 29 日 (星期三)
7:30 a.m. Registration
8:00 a.m. Dr. Qi-Yong Liu, Professor and Director, Department of Vector Biology and Control,
National Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control, CDC, Beijing,
China. Update about mosquito population surveillance in China CDC
刘起勇 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所 中国疾病预防控制中心蚊虫种群监测进展
8:30 a.m. Dr. Gunter C. Muller, Visiting Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Attractive Target Sugar Baits for control of sand fly and mosquitoes in Africa
Gunter C. Muller 以色列耶路撒冷 Hebrew 大学 糖饵对蚋和蚊虫的控制
9:00 a.m. Dr. Fu-Sheng Huang, Professor, The 3rd Military Medical University, Chungqing, China.
Research on integrated mosquito management in the 3rd Military Medical University
黄复生 第三军医大学 第三军医大学蚊虫综合治理研究
9:20 a.m. Dr. Hong-Liang Chu, Director, Department of Vector Control & Disinfection, Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Possibility of mosquitoes transmitting the novel Bunyarvirus
褚宏亮 江苏省疾病预防控制中心 蚊虫传播新型布尼亚病毒的可能性
9:40 a.m. Dr. Barry Tyler, Pestalto Environmental Health Service Inc. Ontario, Canada L8H 3P6, Canada. Mosquiron 0.12P and 0.12 CRD two new controlled slow release mosquito larvicides
Barry Tyler Pestalto 环境卫生服务公司 加拿大安大略省
两个新的可控蚊虫杀幼缓释剂:12P 和 0.12 CRD
10:00 a.m. Break 茶歇
Moderators: Dr. Barry Tyler (Canada) & Dr. Xiao-Guang Chen (China)
主持人:Barry Tyler(加拿大)和陈晓光(中国)
10:20 a.m. Dr. Nan-Nan Liu, Professor, Auburn University, Alabama, USA, Cytochrome P450s in insecticide resistance of mosquitoes, Culex quinquefasciatus
Nan-Nan Liu 美国阿拉巴马州奥本大学 致倦库蚊细胞色素 P450 的杀虫剂抗性
10:40 a.m. Dr. Mao-Qing Gong, Shandong Institute of Parasitic Diseases. Surveillance and analysis commonly used insecticide resistance status quo of Culex pipiens pallens and its density in Shandong Province , China
公茂庆 山东省寄生虫病防治研究所 山东省淡色库蚊对常用杀虫剂抗性现状及其密度的调查分析
11:00 a.m. Dr. T. Steven Su. Ecologist, West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, Ontario, CA, USA. Resistance and resistance management in biorational pesticides for
mosquito control
T. Steven Su 美国安大略省西谷蚊虫及媒介控制局 蚊虫防控中无公害农药的抗性及抗性管理
11:30 a.m. Dr. Zhi-Ming Yuan, Deputy Director, Chinese Academy, Wuhan Branch, Update about molecular studies on biocontrol agents
袁志明 中国科学院武汉分院 生物防治剂分子生物学研究的新动态
12:00 Lunch Break
1:00 p.m. Dr. M.F. Sallam, Department of Plant Protection, College of Food Sciences and Agriculture, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ecological niche modeling and land cover risk areas for Rift Valley Fever vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles, in Jazan, Saudi Arabia
M.F. Sallam 沙特阿拉伯国王大学植物保护系,食品科学与农业学院 沙特阿拉伯Jazan 裂谷热媒介三带喙库蚊生态位模型及所覆盖的风险区域
1:15 p.m. Sunaiyana Sathantriphop, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Responses of mosquitoes to three different types of compounds
Sunaiyana Sathantriphop 泰国曼谷 Kasetsart 大学农学部昆虫系 蚊虫对三种不同化合物的响应
1:30 p.m. Wanapa Ritthison, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Biting patterns and host preference of Anopheles epiroticus in Ko Chang Island, Trat Province, Thailand
Wanapa Ritthison 泰国曼谷 Kasetsart 大学农学部昆虫系 泰国 Trat 省 Ko Chang 岛epiroticus 按蚊的刺叮模型和宿主偏好
1:45 p.m. Xiao Yu, Department of Vector Biology and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control, CDC, Beijing, China. The effect of temperature on the development of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus immature
喻潇 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所 温度对白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊幼虫发育的影响
2:00 p.m. Dr. Gunter Muller, Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, Israel. Commercial spatial repellents against mosquitoes
Gunter Muller 以色列希伯来大学 商业场所的蚊虫驱避
2:15 p.m. Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao, Professor & Director, Department of Vector Biology and Control, BIME, Fengtai, Beijing. Update about personal protection and repellents in China
赵彤言 北京微生物流行病研究所 中国对吸血昆虫个人防护和驱避剂的新动态
2:30 p.m. Dr. Whitney Qualls, University of Miami, Florida, USA. Responses of virus infected mosquitoes to repellents
Whitney Qualls 美国弗罗里达迈阿密大学 病毒感染的蚊虫对驱避剂的反应
2:45 p.m. Dr. Rui-De Xue, Director, Anastasia Mosquito Control District, St. Augustine, Florida,
USA. Insect repellents for other potential use
薛瑞德 美国佛罗里达州 Anastasia 蚊虫防治中心 一些潜在的昆虫驱避剂
3:00 p.m. Break 茶 歇
3:20 p.m. Dr. Chang-Liang Zhu, Professor, Nanjing Medical University. New insecticide resistance genes of Culex pipiens pallens
朱昌亮 南京医科大学 淡色库蚊新的杀虫剂抗性基因
3:40 p.m. Mr. Dong Chan Lee, Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, Yongin 449-854, Republic of Korea. Laboratory and simulated field bioassays to evaluate larvicidal activity of Pinus densiflora hydrodistillate, its constituents and structurally related compounds against Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens pallens in relation to their inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase activity
Dong Chan Lee 韩国外国语学院 实验室和模拟现场生物测定评估 Pinus densiflora hydrodistillate 的杀幼活性,其成分和结构相关化合物对白纹伊蚊、埃及伊蚊和淡色库蚊乙酰胆碱酯酶活性的抑制作用
3:55 p.m. Dr. Feng-Xia Meng, Professor, Institute for Communicable Diseases, China CDC,
Beijing, Update about insecticide resistance surveillance of mosquitoes in China
孟凤霞 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所 中国杀虫剂抗性监测的新动态
4:10 p.m. Dr. B. Reddya Naik, Associate Professor, University of College of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Larvicidal activity of Chloroxylon swietenia leaf extraction on Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito
B. Reddya Naik 印度海德拉巴奥斯马尼亚大学理学院 Chloroxylon swietenia 叶子
4:30 p.m. Dr. R.K. Tyagi, Centre for Research in Medical Entomology (Indian Council of Medical Research), Madurai-625 002, India. Control of Chikungunya vector Aedes albopictus Skuse, in Kerala State, South India
R.K. Tyagi 印度医学昆虫研究中心(印度医学研究理事会) 印度南部 Kerala 州基孔肯亚媒介白纹伊蚊的控制
4:45 p.m. Dr. Ming-Hao Zhou, Director, Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Nanjing, China. Overview of vector surveillance & IVM programs in Jiangsu, China
周明浩 江苏省疾病预防控制中心 中国江苏媒介监测与 IVM 计划概述
5:00 p.m. Mr. Dave Brown. Director of Sacramento – Yolo Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, Sacramento, CA, USA. Update about the American Mosquito Control Association’s legislation issues
Dave Brown 美国萨克拉门托 Yolo Valley 蚊虫及媒介控制区 美国蚊虫控制协会立法内容的新动态
5:20 p.m. Dr. P.H.D. Kusumawathie, Regional Office of the Anti Malaria Campaign, Dutugemunu Mawatha, Watapuluwa, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Efficacy and effectiveness of Polydimethylsiloxane (Aquatain) against Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus immature stages
P.H.D. Kusumawathie 斯里兰卡康提 Dutugemunu Mawatha, Watapuluwa 防疟办聚二甲基硅氧烷(Aquatain)对埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊幼虫杀灭活性的效能
5:35 p.m. Dinner
May 30, 2013 (Thursday)
7:30 a.m. Registration
2013 年 5 月 30 日(星期四)
7:30 a.m. 注册
8:00 a.m. Dr. B. Reddya Naik, Associate Professor, University of College of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Manson versus Ross in Epic Discovery of malaria: Historic relationship of Indo-China-a review
B. Reddya Naik 印度海德拉巴奥斯马尼亚大学理学院 曼森与罗斯发现疟疾的过程:印度和中国的关系
8:20 a.m. Dr. Si-Bao Wang. Professor, Inst. of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai. Fighting malaria with engineered symbiotic bacteria from vector mosquitoes
王四宝 中国科学院植物生理生态研究所 工程共生细菌抗击疟疾媒介
8:40 a.m. Dr. Shan-Qing Wang. Professor and Deputy Director, Hainan CDC, Haikou, China.
Prevalence Characteristics and Influential Factors Analysis on Malaria Epidemics in Hainan Province , China
王善青 海南省疾病预防控制中心 海南省疟疾防治及流行因素分析
9:00 a.m. Dr. Martin Geier, BioGents AG, Weissenburgstr. 22, D-93055, Regensburg, Germany.
BG sentinel traps for adult mosquito surveillance
Martin Geier 德国雷根斯堡 BioGents 公司 用于成蚊监测的 BG 哨兵捕蚊器
9:20 a.m. Dr. Xiao-Peng Zeng, Deputy Director, Beijing CDC, China. Integrated Mosquito Management in Beijing, China
曾晓芃 北京疾病预防控制中心 北京蚊虫的综合治理
9:40 a.m. Dr. Pei-En Leng, Director, Chief Doctor, Department of Vector Control Shanghai Municipal Center For Disease Control & Prevention, Shanghai, China. Research on the population dynamic changes of Culex tritaeniorhynchus in Shanghai downtown
冷培恩 上海市疾病预防控制中心 上海市区三带喙库蚊种群动态变化的研究
10:00 a.m. Break 茶歇
Moderators: Dr. Reddya Naik (India) & Dr. Feng-Xia Meng (China)
10:20 a.m. Dr. Whitney Qualls, University of Miami, Florida, USA. Urbanization and landscaping
influencing control of imported vector species in subtropical environments in Florida: Utilizing the attractive toxic sugar bait to overcome land use and changes
Whitney Qualls 美国弗罗里达迈阿密大学 城市化和园林化对弗罗里达亚热带地区输入性媒介蚊种的影响:利用有毒糖饵引诱剂改善土地使用和变化带来的影响
10:40 a.m. Err-Lieh Hsu, Emeritus Professor, Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei. The past, present, and future of mosquito-borne diseases in Taiwan
徐尔烈 国立台湾大学昆虫系 台湾蚊媒病的过去,现在和将来
11:00 a.m. Dr. Abu Hassan Ahmad, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Surveillance and management challenges of Dengue Vectors in Malaysia
Abu Hassan Ahmad 马来西亚理科大学生物科学学院 马来西亚登革热媒介的监控
11:20 a.m. Dr. Ildefonso Fernandez-Salas, Professor, Laboratory of Medical Entomology, School of Biological Sciences, UANL, Monterrey, Mexico. Surveillance and management challenges of Aedes albopictus in Mexico
Ildefonso Fernandez-Salas 墨西哥蒙特雷学院医学昆虫学实验室 墨西哥白纹伊蚊的监测和管理
11:40 a.m. Dr. Renjie Hu, Supervising Public Health Biologist, California Department of Public Health, Vector-borne Disease Section, Ontario, CA, USA. History of Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) introduction into California, USA and its public health concerns
Renjie Hu 美国加州安大略省公共卫生部媒介疾病科 亚洲虎蚊(白纹伊蚊)进入加州的历史和引起的公共卫生问题
12:00 Lunch Break 午休
1:00 p.m. Mr. Herb Nyberg. President, New Mountain Innovations, CT, USA. Acoustic larvicide mechanisms of mortality and field results
Herb Nyberg 美国新山创新 声杀幼虫的死亡机制和现场结果
1:20 p.m. Dr. Jin-Yu Zhang, BASF China Co., Ltd. The Mosquito control program from BASF
张金玉 巴斯夫(中国)有限公司 巴斯夫害虫控制解决方案
1:35 p.m. Mr. Alan Zhang, LongRay, Shenzhen, China. Thermal fogger and ULV machine evaluation in Florida, USA
Alan Zhang 中国深圳隆瑞公司 美国佛罗里达州对热烟雾机和 ULV 机评测
1:50 p.m. Dr. Xin-Yu Wang, Product introduction of Syngenta China Investment Co., Ltd.
王新宇 先正达(中国)投资有限公司产品介绍
2:00 p.m. Mr. Tong Zhao, Technical and training manager, Bayer CropScience China Co., Ltd.
Bayer Vector Control Solution
赵彤 拜耳作物科学业务分支– 环境科学 蚊媒防制–拜耳解决方案
2:15 p.m. Product introduction of Nantong Gongcheng Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd
2:25 p.m. Product introduction of Nanjing Ushi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
2:35 p.m. Dr. M.-L. Cheng, Manager, West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, Ontario, CA, USA. Overview of mosquitoes and vector control programs in Southern California
M.-L. Cheng 美国加州安大略省西谷蚊虫和媒介防治中心 南加州蚊虫和媒介控制方案概述
2:50 p.m. Mr. James Clauson, Director, Beach Mosquito Control District, Panama, Florida, USA.
Overview of mosquito control programs in Florida State
James Clauson 美国弗罗里达州巴拿马海滩蚊虫控制中心 弗罗里达蚊虫和媒介控制方案概述
3:05 p.m. Mr. James Clauson, Director, Beach Mosquito Control District, Panama, Florida, USA.
Aerial capability leads Beach Mosquito Control Program in Florida
James Clauson 美国弗罗里达州巴拿马海滩蚊虫控制中心 空中作业能力引发的弗罗里达州海滩蚊虫控制方案
3:20 p.m. Dr. Kom Sukontason. Dept. of Parasitology, Chiang Mai University, Thailand,
Evaluation of an I-box wind tunnel model for assessment of behavioral responses of blow flies
Kom Sukontason 泰国清迈大学寄生虫系 I-box 风洞模型对丽蝇行为反应的评价
3:35 p.m. Break 茶歇
3:50 p.m. Dr. William Walton, President of the Society of Vector Ecology, Riverside, CA, USA,
Overview of the Society for Vector Ecology and the 6th international congress
William Walton 美国加州滨江媒介生态学学会 媒介生态学会第六届国际会议概述
4:05 p.m. Dr. Qi-Yong Liu, Professor and Director, Department of Vector Biology and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control, CDC, Beijing,
China. Overview of international forums for sustainable vector management
刘起勇 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所 可持续媒介管理国际论坛综述
4:20 p.m. Dr. Chun-Xiao Li, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China. Update of Academic Association of Medical Entomology, Entomological Society of China
李春晓 北京微生物流行病研究所 中国昆虫学会医学昆虫专业委员会新动态
4:35 p.m. Dr. Yi Sun, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China. Ixodes sinensis, vector component to transmit Rickettsia monacensis, a emerged spotted fever agent
孙毅 北京微生物流行病研究所 中华硬蜱—莫氏斑点热立克次体的传播媒介
4:50 p.m. Dr. Ying-Mei Zhang, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China. Preliminary study for molecular classification of china flea based on DNA coding
张映梅 北京微生物流行病研究所 基于 DNA 条形码的中国重要蚤类分子分类的
5:05 p.m. Dinner 晚 餐
Conference contact person:
Tong-Yan Zhao 赵彤言: 13910844633
Yan-De Dong 董言德: 13611195599
Ming-Yu Wu 吴明宇: 13810640602 Xiao-Xia Guo
郭晓霞: 13520517505 Chun-Xiao Li
李春晓: 13681559005
Ying-Mei Zhang 张映梅: 13520430781
Lakeside Hotel
Meeting room: Poly jade hall of Conference Center (Second floor)
Breakfast: TianXiang Lou (First floor); Time: 7:00‐9:30
Lunch and Dinner: Banquet hall (Second floor); Times: 12:00‐13:30;18:00‐19:30
Accommodation: YuanFeng Lou