Image credit: Prayitno Hadinato, CC-BY-2.0, unmodified
The SOVE’s 48th Annual Meeting was successfully held at Tenaya Lodge, Yosemite National Park California, October 7-11, 2018. The meeting dedicated to Dr. Mir Mulla and also celebrated SOVE 50th year anniversary. There were ten symposia with 65 oral presentations and 87 posters. The meeting attracted 255 registrations & participates worldwide. This year had more posters and a successful first women in science meeting in the early morning of Tuesday. The President Dr. Lal Mian gave his presidential addresses about the history and past 50 year growths and achievements from a small group of Scientists in California to current 560 members worldwide. Under the SOVE headquarter in California, USA, the SOVE established the EURO SOVE, Brazilian SOVE, Asian SOVE, and Indian SOVE branches. I gave the report about the Asian SOVE and Mosquito Control on behalf of the President Dr. Gunter C. Muller and announced the Board meeting in Ningbo, October 22, 2018 and the 4th ASVEMC meeting before the 6th IFSCMVD, Xiamen, China, May 27-31, 2019. For more information about the SOVE meeting and other information, please visit the website at www. sove.org and the ASVEMC website at asiansvemc.org
During the SOVE annual meeting, the world mosquito control association (WMCA, registered in California, USA several years ago) held the 3rd Board meeting and discussed about the Executive Director position and replacement, membership development and membership fee (free for everyone to join and $100 for each association or society, $500 for each industry or organization annually). The Board voted to appoint Dr. Rui-De Xue as the 3rd Executive Director (1st Executive Director was Dr. Major Dhillon from the establishment of the WMCA to September 2017, 2nd Executive Director was Dr. Bart G.J. Knols, from September 2017 to October, 2018) to assist the 1st President, Dr. Norbert Becker, Vice President Mr. Steve Mulligan, and the Board to active and move the association forward. In the next few months, the WMCA will develop the website and recruit members, and promote the association at many meetings / events and opportunities.
Image credit: Prayitno Hadinato (https://www.flickr.com/people/prayitnophotography) CC-BY-2.0, unmodified