The ASVEMC Board meeting was held at Function Rm#4, G1F, Xianglu Grand Hotel, Xiamen, China, May 26 at 5:00pm. Attended Board members: Gunter Muller (President), Chun-Xiao Li (Vice President), Tong-Yan Zhao (Executive Director). Regional Directors: Err-Lieh Hsu, Hoonbok Yi, Abu Hassan Ahmad, H. Kawada, Hong-Liang Chu, Li-Feng Lin. Other attendances: Graham White, Jerry Hogestte, Dan Kline, Rui-De Xue, Mingyu Wu.
President Muller called the meeting in order and everybody introduced their selves. The Board discussed and scheduled the award presentations and procedure at the 4th ASVEMC member meeting before the 6th IFSCMVD, May 27. ASVEMC awards will be presented by Gunter Muller, the President of the ASVEMC, the SOVE’s 50 year recognized member awards presented by Uli Bernier, President of the SOVE. All regional directors would like to continue the services as the Board members for next 2 years. SOVE Presidents Bernier will install the new Executive Board (President, President-Elect, Vice President, Immediate Past President, and Executive Director). The new ASVEMC’s President will install new regional directors. The Board voted to accept Dr. Ming-Hao Zhao’s resignation as the incoming President after the motion by Muller and Zhao and voted to present Dr. Zhou the outstanding service award at the 4th ASVEMC member meeting. The Board voted to appoint Dr. Abu Hassan Ahmad as the new President for the ASVEMC for next 2 years. President-Elect Dr. Li planned to attend the SOVE annual meeting in September.
Next Board meeting will be held in Suzhou before the 8th IFSMDV in late October. The meeting was adjured at 5:30pm.
4th Member Meeting Minutes: The 4th ASVEMC meeting was held at Xianglu Grand Hotel, Xiamen, China in the morning (8am) of May 27. The ASVEMC’s President Gunter Muller and Executive Director Tong-Yan Zhao opened the meeting. Zhao moderated the meeting. Presented Muller presented the following awards: Distinguished Achievement awards for Dr. H. Kawada & Dr. T. Charconviryyaphap; Distinguished service awards to: Dr. Qi-Yong Liu & Mr. Brian Liang, Outstanding service award to Dr. Ming-Hao Zhou. The SOVE’s President Uli Bernier presented SOVE’s 50 year recognized member awards to Dr. Gunter Muller & Dr. Qi-Yong Liu.
SOVE President Dr. Bernier installed the ASVEMC new officers (Executive): Dr. Abu Hassan Ahmad as President, Dr. Chun-Xiao Li as President-Elect, Dr. Feng-Xia Meng (voted in Ningbo, October 2018) as Vice President, Dr. Gunter Muller as Immediate Past President. ASVEMC new President announced that all regional directors are the same.
Dr. Muller and Dr. Zhao announced next meeting (5th) will be held in Dalian before the 7th IFSCMVD in late May, 2021. Dr. Uli Bernier announced the SOVE annual meeting in Puerto Rico, late September, 2019 and the 8th International SOVE Congress in Charleston, SC, USA, September 2021. The meeting was adjured at 8:40am.
The minutes taken and provided by Dr. Tong-Yan Zhao, Mingyu Wu, & Dr. Rui-De Xue